Districts are the Vital Link Between the AA Groups and the Area
Each district elects a District Committee Member (DCM). The DCM carries the group conscience of the AA groups in the district to the area committee. Responsibilities of the DCM include: holding regular meetings of all GSRs in the district, keeping GSRs informed about Conference activities, holding workshops & sharing sessions on just about any service subject, and talking to groups about the responsibilities of general service work.
Looking for your District Meeting? Contact your local Central office for more information.

The District ensures that all the AA groups are aware of the importance of their total participation in local, district, area, and world services.
Area 27 District Boundaries
District 1: All of Bienville, Webster, Claiborne, Bossier, Caddo, and De Soto Parishes.
District 2: All of Iberia, St. Mary, Southerm St. Martin, and part of Northern St. Martin Parish southeast of the town of Parks.
District 3: All of Union, Lincoln, Jackson, and Winn Parishes. Caldwell Parish west of the Ouachita River and Ouachita Parish west of Ouachita River, excluding West Monroe.
District 4: Morehouse, West Carroll, East Carroll, Madison, Richland and Franklin Parishes. Ouachita and Caldwell east of the Ouachita River and including the town of West Monroe.
District 5: All of Concordia Parish, Catahoula Parish and Tensas Parish.
District 6: All of Sabine Parish, Red River Parish, most of Natchitoches Parish, excluding the southeastern section below the town of Natchitoches, and Vernon Parish except for the town of Rosepine.
District 7: All of Avoyelles, Rapides, Grant, La Salle Parishes. the southeastern part of Natchitoches Parish, the northern part of Evangeline Parish, including Turkey Creek, the northeast corner of St. Landry Parish, east of the west Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levee and north of the Pacific Railroad, and part of Point Coupee Parish north of LA-10.
District 8: All of Beauregard Parish, Calcasieu Parish, Jefferson Davis Parish and Cameron Parish, Allen Parish west of LA-26 and US-165, and the town of Rosepine.
District 9: St. Landry Parish excluding the northeast corner east of the west Atchafalaya Basin Protection levee and north of the Pacific Railroad, Evangeline Parish south of the towns of Turkey Creek and Dossman, Allen Parish east of US-165 and north and east of LA-26, and Acadia Parish North of I-10.
District 10: All of East and West Feliciana Parishes, East Baton Rouge Parish north of US-61, and Pointe Coupee Parish north of US-190, excluding the town of Livonia.
District 11: All of St. Helena Parish, Livingston Parish north of I-12 and East Baton Rouge Parish north of US-61.
District 12: All of Tangipahoa, Washington and St. Tammany Parishes.
District 13: All of Lafayette Parish, Vermillion Parish, Acadia Parish south of I-10. Northern St. Martin Parish north and northeast of St. Martinville.
District 14: Iberville Parish west of the Mississippi River, all of West Baton Rouge Parish, Pointe Coupee Parish south of US-190 including the town of Livonia, Assumption Parish north of LA-402 and west of LA-69.
District 15: East Baton Rouge Parish south of US-61.
District 16: All of Ascension Parish, East Baton Rouge Parish east of US-61, Livingston Parish south of I-12, Iberville Parish east of the Mississippi River.
District 17: All of Terrebonne and La Fourche Parishes, Assumption Parish south of LA-402 and east of LA-69.
District 18: Plaquemines Parish, West Bank of Orleans Parish, West Bank of Jefferson Parish. Between the Mississippi River at the north end and the Gulf of Mexico at the south, and between Chandeleur Sound on the east side and the St. Charles Parish line on the west.
District 19: East Bank of Jefferson Parish. Between Lake Ponchartrain at the north end and the Mississippi River at the south, and between the Orleans Parish line on the east side and the Jefferson Parish line on the west.
District 20: Uptown New Orleans area and parts of Mid City. Between I-610 at the north end and the Mississippi River at the south, and between Canal St. on the east side and the Orleans/Jefferson Parish line on the west.
District 21: Includes parts of New Orleans and all of St. Bernard Parish. Between Lake Pontchartrain at the north end and the Mississippi River at the south, and between the Gulf of Mexico on the east side, and northwest of Canal Street to north of I-610 to the Orleans/Jefferson Parish line on the west.
District 22: Between the Ascension Parish line at the north end and the La Fourche Parish line at the south, and between the Jefferson Parish line on the east side and the Assumption Parish line on the west. It includes all of St. James, St. John the Baptist and St. Charles parishes.
District/Distrito 24: Statewide Spanish-speaking district; distrito de habla español en todo el estado.
AA’s Upside-Down Triangle
For AA to run its own affairs, each AA group needs to make its voice heard on overall AA policies. This starts with a group’s General Service Representative (GSR), who represents the voice of the group conscience and has the job of linking his or her group with AA as a whole by attending District Meetings and Area Assemblies.
For every District of about ten groups or so, the GSRs elect a District Committee Member (DCM), to communicate the Districts’ conscience to the Area Assembly, which elects an area Delegate to attend the annual AA General Service Conference for the US & Canada.
Each group sends its own ideas or problems to the assembly, where other groups can share their experience and provide help and support. From the assembly, each GSR can take back to his or her group the shared experience of the rest of the assembly.
Every area elects a delegate to the General Service Conference, held each spring in New York. The Conference serves as the group conscience for AA in the US & Canada. The Conference meets for six days a year to vote on matters that affect AA as a whole, yet the 135 or so Conference members are active in Conference affairs throughout the year. Every AA group shares its experience with other groups through its Area Delegate to the Conference.