What is Area?
Does your group have a voice in AA?
Area 27 consists of the state of Louisiana, which is further divided into 24 Districts. The role of the Area is to represent its AA groups to AA as a whole. AA groups send their General Service Representative (GSR) and the districts send their District Committee Members to the Area Assembly where they carry their group conscience and vote on their behalf on matters that affect Area 27 and AA as a whole. “The area holds an important middle position in the Conference structure–through the elected delegate, it participates in AA worldwide, while through the DCMs and GSRs, it is close to the local scene.” – Service Manual, page S36

One of the key roles of Area is to organize the Area Assembly.

What is an area assembly?
“Any meetings of area GSRs and the area committee (all DCMs, area officers, and chairs of area service committees) is an assembly. The area assembly is the mainspring of the Conference structure–the democratic voice of the movement expressing itself… assembly meetings consider a variety of issues, from General Service Conference business to area problems and solutions and financial affairs, while sharing sessions, public information programs, workshops, and video programs keep AA strong and participation in service growing.” – Service Manual, page S36
What happens at Area Assembly?
Area 27 currently holds a two-day assembly once a quarter. A typical schedule includes the area committee meeting, GSR & DCM orientation/sharing sessions, area service committee meetings, workshops, district reports, AA speaker, AA meeting, agenda discussion, officer and area service committee reports, business meeting, and agenda meeting.
Special Events During Assembly
The first assembly of odd-numbered years is when the newly elected area officers and newly-appointed area service committee chairs begin their rotation; the second assembly each year is the Pre-Conference Assembly (PCA)/mini mock-Conference where members discuss the upcoming General Service Conference agenda items to help inform the delegate of the area conscience on matters affecting AA; the third assembly each year is when the delegate reports back to the area the results of the Conference; the fourth assembly of odd-numbered years is when the area takes its inventory to discuss ways in which the area can improve; the third assembly of even-numbered years is an election assembly to elect area officers: delegate, alternate delegate, chairperson, alternate chairperson, secretary and treasurer; the fourth assembly of even-numbered years is when the slate of newly-appointed area service committee chairs are announced for approval by the assembly.

Who can attend and who votes?
Any member of AA can attend and participate in meetings and discussions during an Area 27 assembly. GSRs, DCMs, area officers, chairs of area service committees, and past delegates have a vote at Area 27 assemblies. Alternates only vote when the GSR or DCM is not in attendance.
How is assembly funded and why?
The Area 27 budget is funded only by your group’s contributions. The budget covers assembly expenses, area service committee and area officer expenses, maintenance of group records, an archives repository, necessary literature, copies, and displays. All of this helps organize, facilitate, and provide a shared experience of the work done around the state of Louisiana to carry the message.